A Family Christmas
In Philippians 2:1-11 the apostle Paul calls the church in Philippi to greater unity as God’s family.
In Philippians 2:1-11 the apostle Paul calls the church in Philippi to greater unity as God’s family.
In Luke 21:5-38 Jesus teaches his disciples how to live in light of the destruction of Jerusalem and the coming of the Son of Man.
In Luke 20:41-21:4 Jesus asks about the identity of “the Christ” and then challenges his disciples how to live in response.
In Luke 20:27-40 Jesus responds to a question about resurrection designed to entrap him.
In Luke 20:19-26 Jesus responds to a controversial question about paying taxes to Caesar.
In Luke 20:9-18 Jesus tells a parable about wicked tenants of a vineyard in order to warn Israel about rejecting him.
In Luke 19:45-20:8 Jesus’ divine authority is both demonstrated and challenged.
Luke 19:28-44 describes Jesus as the Messiah and King who is worthy of worship.
In Luke 19:11-27 Jesus tells a parable to illustrate the necessity of faithful stewardship until his future return.
In Luke 19:1-10 we see how Jesus’ encounter with a man named Zacchaeus illustrates his mission to seek and save lost people.
Luke 18:31-43 describes the disciples’ blindness and Jesus’ healing of a blind man.
In Luke 18:18-30 Jesus’ encounter with a rich ruler reveals how a person can gain eternal life.
[Luke 18:15-17] Why is Children’s Ministry a vital part of our mission at Antioch Community Church?
[Psalm 48] How can we pass on the greatness of God to the next generation?
In Luke 18:9-14 Jesus tells a parable about a Pharisee and tax collector to illustrate two very different ways to approach God.
In Luke 18:1-8 Jesus urges his disciples to pray persistently for God to bring justice to his people.
In Luke 17:20-37 Jesus teaches about the coming of God’s kingdom upon the earth.
[Luke 17:1-10] How does Jesus tell us to live together as disciples in community?
In Luke 16:14-18 Jesus rebukes the self-righteous Pharisees and explains that his teaching about money is in line with the Scriptures.
[Psalm 63] Why should our lives be marked by a relentless longing after God?
In Luke 16:1-13 Jesus tells a parable about a dishonest manager in order to teach his disciples about wise stewardship.
In Luke 15:11-32, Jesus tells a parable about a gracious father and his two lost sons.
[Luke 15:1-10] Jesus wants us to embrace God’s heart for people.
In Luke 14:25-35 Jesus explains the high cost of following him as a disciple.
In Luke 14:15-24 Jesus tells a parable of a great banquet to explain who will be included in God’s kingdom.
[Luke 14:1-14] What are the traits Jesus wants in his followers?
In John 21 Jesus reinforces to Peter the priorities essential for a lifetime of gospel mission.
[Romans 5-8] How does belief in the risen Jesus bring hope in a broken world?
[Luke 13:22-35] How can a person enter into the kingdom of God?
In Luke 13:10-21 the healing of a disabled woman on the Sabbath illustrates what Jesus’ kingdom is all about.
In Luke 13:1-9 Jesus urges the crowd to respond to him through the spiritual fruit of repentance.
[Luke 12:49-59] In Luke 12:49-59 Jesus explains the great crisis that his coming creates.
[Luke 12:35-48] How can we grow as disciples of Jesus Christ who are waiting for the return of our Master?
[Luke 12:22-34] In order to grow in a life of gospel generosity, we must fight our tendency to worry about material things.
In Luke 12:13-21 Jesus uses a family dispute as an opportunity to warn his disciples about the dangers of greed and materialism.
Luke 12:1-13 describes how disciples should be characterized by fear and fearlessness as they represent Jesus in this world.
In Luke 11:37-54 Jesus responds to Jewish religious leaders with a blistering rebuke of their religiosity.
Luke 11:14-36 describes Jesus’ power over spiritual darkness and his ability to bring those who properly respond to him into the spiritual light.
In Luke 11:1-13 Jesus teaches his disciples how to grow as people of prayer.
In Luke 10:38-42 Jesus’ meal with two sisters creates an opportunity to teach about the priorities in a disciple’s life.
[Matthew 16:18; 28:16-20; Acts 13-14; 19] Why do we plant churches at Antioch?
[Luke 10:25-37] Jesus calls us to show love and compassion to all people, including those we’d rather not love.
[Luke 9:51-62] What does Jesus demand of everyone who follows him on the costly road of discipleship?
[Luke 9:37-50] Jesus demonstrates his majesty as the Son of God by meeting us in and rescuing us from the messiness of our lives.
[Luke 9:18-36] What essential information does Jesus want us to know about the journey of discipleship?
[Luke 9:18-36] In an ocean of confusion all around us, we’ve been given true testimony to anchor our conclusions about Jesus’ identity.
Luke 9:1-17 describes how Jesus, through his power and authority, supplies everything necessary for the mission he entrusts to his disciples.
Luke 8:40-56 shows how Jesus is Lord over disease and even death.
Luke 8:22-39 describes the divine power Jesus possesses over the powers of darkness in this world.
Luke 8:1-20 presents several illustrations to explain how disciples of Jesus should respond to the word of God.
Luke 7:36-50 describes how Jesus has the power to forgive the sins of anyone who responds to him in faith.
[Luke 7:18-35] As he highlights John the Baptist’s important role in God’s purposes, Jesus urges people to respond properly to who he is as God’s Messiah.
Luke 7:11-17 describes Jesus raising a widow’s son from the dead and the response of those who witnessed this miracle.
Luke 7:1-10 describes Jesus’ authoritative power to heal, while also highlighting the humble faith of a Roman centurion.
[Luke 6:43-49] What kind of disciples of Jesus will transform a church, a city, and a world?
In Luke 6:37-42 Jesus gives instructions to his followers about judging others.
[Luke 6:27-36] Jesus calls all disciples who follow after him to a revolutionary love for their enemies.
[Luke 6:12-26] Adopting Jesus’ perspective toward discipleship should cause us to rejoice in the realities associated with God’s kingdom.
[Colossians 2:6-15] Because we are united with Jesus in his death and resurrection, we who believe in him can live as people who are truly alive.
Luke 6:1-11 describes the authority and power of Jesus as Lord over the Sabbath.
Luke 5:27-39 describes Jesus’ mission to call sinful people to follow him as disciples, even if that leads to criticism and controversy.
Luke 5:12-26 describes Jesus’ power to cleanse people physically and spiritually.
In Luke 5:1-11 Jesus calls his first disciples to a life of following him.
In Luke 4:31-44 Jesus demonstrates his power and authority by setting people free from sickness and demon possession.
In Luke 4:14-30 Jesus announces his mission as God’s promised Messiah and experiences hostile rejection in his hometown of Nazareth.
Luke 4:1-13 describes Jesus as the victorious Son of God who overcame the temptations from the Devil.
In Luke 3:21-38 Jesus is declared to be the “Son of God” at his baptism and through his family tree.
Luke 3:1-20 describes how John the Baptist prepared the way for the ministry of Jesus Christ.
Luke 2:22-38 describes how two expectant Israelites, Simeon and Anna, testify to God’s gift of salvation in Jesus Christ.
[Luke 2:1-20] Our greatest gift this Christmas is Jesus being sent as the Savior of the world.
Luke 1:57-80 reminds us that we can celebrate this Christmas because God’s promised salvation has come.
[Luke 1:5-25] In Luke 1:5-25 God prepares the way for his salvation by announcing the future birth of John the Baptist.
John 20:24-29 recounts the disciple Thomas’ journey from a skeptical doubt to a worshipful faith in the risen Jesus.
I came across this tremendous quote today from Charles H. Spurgeon. It is a great reminder church’s messy, yet essential, mission.
[Hebrews 1:1-4] In order for Jesus to reign supremely in our lives each day, we need a supreme portrait of God’s Son.
[Psalm 46] God is our fortress through all of life’s many troubles
Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on the resurrection of Jesus as an opportunity for us to worship the living Christ.
Idols are sneaky. They tip toe past our brains, set up shop in a corner of our heart, and begin to grow.
Christmas is a celebration of the coming of the Son of God into this broken world in order to rescue broken and sinful people like you and me. Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on Genesis 38.
Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on the characteristics of “generous giving” in the New Testament.
Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on Luke 4:16-30.
A couple weeks ago at Antioch we explored the topic of “fasting” from Matthew 6:16-18. Fasting is a neglected spiritual discipline among many followers of Jesus, including myself.
A list of verses that have been helpful to me personally on various aspects of purity.
Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on 1 Corinthians 15:12-19, where the Apostle Paul explains that if we deny our future resurrection as believers, then we also deny Jesus was raised from the dead.
In Luke 23:39-43 we see a retelling of events associated with the crucifixion of Jesus.
In Matthew 4:12-25 we see the beginnings of Jesus’ messianic ministry and mission.
Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on Matthew 4:1-11.
There are a couple excellent books by Randy Alcorn that I’m using during preparation for our current preaching series at Antioch entitled “God, Stewardship, & Giving.”
With hundreds of thousands of survivors in desperate need of help, many are asking “who will help the church?”
Tonight I’m sharing with the launch team of a nearby church plant. They asked me to talk about pitfalls, things to avoid, and lessons learned in the last two churches that I’ve helped to start.
Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on Matthew 1:1-17.
In conjunction with our fall sermon series (“Transformed by the Cross”), I’m reading an excellent book by Mark Driscoll entitled, Death by Love: Letters from the Cross. In chapter 4, Driscoll unpacks the essence of “religion.”
Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on John 8:1-11.
“Strong. Army Strong.” That’s the latest tagline for the U.S. Army. You’ve probably seen it in a recent advertisement. At Antioch Community Church we’re also committed to raising up an army.
Finally, the countdown is over. We’ve officially launched as a new church!
Our mission at Antioch Community Church is to “ignite a movement of the gospel.” Recently, our Core Team from ACC had the privilege to interact with a leader from one of the largest church planting movements in South Asia.