Andy O'Rourke

Abiding in Jesus Christ

[John 15:1-11] In our season of leadership transition as a church, God wants Antioch to flourish as a community that abides in Jesus Christ.

A Pastoral Note

Pastors Andy and Matt share their hearts for Antioch this coming year, and encourage us to be thinking about what God is calling us to.

Acts: Racism in the Camp

[Acts 11:1-18] In Acts 11:1-18 the apostle Peter reports to the church in Jerusalem how God is spreading the gospel to the Gentiles.

Acts: Peter and Cornelius

[Acts 10:1-48] In Acts 10:1-48 an encounter between Peter and Cornelius becomes a pivotal turning point in God’s gospel mission to the ends of the earth.

Acts: Beyond Jerusalem

[Acts 8:1-25] Acts 8:1-25 describes how, despite persecution, the transforming power of the gospel spreads beyond Jerusalem.

Advent: Christmas Dwelling

[John 1:1-18; 17:18; 20:21; Revelation 21:1-8] As God sent his Son to “dwell” among lost people, we as the church are sent to “dwell” among lost people, in the hope of God’s future “dwelling” among his people for all eternity.

Acts: Radical Generosity

[Acts 4:32-5:11] Acts 4:32-5:11 describes the radical generosity and sacrificial care among the early community of Christ-followers.

Acts: Reliant Prayer

[Acts 4:23-31] Acts 4:23-31 describes the early church’s reliance upon God through prayer in order to live as bold witnesses for Jesus Christ.

Acts: Mission Ignited

[Acts 2:1-41] Acts 2:1-41 describes how the mission of the church was ignited through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 77

Psalm 77. A change in perspective can make all the difference in our lives.

Psalm 32

Are we bringing our sin and brokenness to God or keeping it within ourselves? Through turning to God, we can experience forgiveness, freedom and true joy.

James 4:13-16

Are you struggling with plans that have been derailed? There’s a right way and a wrong way to approach planning for the future.

Daily Devotional April 21, 2020

Are you discouraged or confused by an answer to prayer that you didn’t expect? Remember to keep your focus on God’s wisdom and purposes as you cry out to him.