Antioch Community Church in Minneapolis


[1 Peter 2:1-12] Peter tells the church how to live in the world and point people to Jesus.
Guest Speaker: Brian Silver

It’s Harvest Time!

In John 4:1-42, Jesus has a conversation with a woman in spiritual need and with his disciples who are in spiritual blindness.

Luke: Humble Generosity

In Luke 20:41-21:4 Jesus asks about the identity of “the Christ” and then challenges his disciples how to live in response.

Luke: Pride and Humility

In Luke 18:9-14 Jesus tells a parable about a Pharisee and tax collector to illustrate two very different ways to approach God.

Luke: Fighting Worry

[Luke 12:22-34] In order to grow in a life of gospel generosity, we must fight our tendency to worry about material things.

Luke: Supersize Me!

In Luke 12:13-21 Jesus uses a family dispute as an opportunity to warn his disciples about the dangers of greed and materialism.

Luke: Darkness and Light

Luke 11:14-36 describes Jesus’ power over spiritual darkness and his ability to bring those who properly respond to him into the spiritual light.

Luke: The One Thing

In Luke 10:38-42 Jesus’ meal with two sisters creates an opportunity to teach about the priorities in a disciple’s life.

Luke: The Real Jesus

[Luke 9:18-36] In an ocean of confusion all around us, we’ve been given true testimony to anchor our conclusions about Jesus’ identity.

Luke: Power for Mission

Luke 9:1-17 describes how Jesus, through his power and authority, supplies everything necessary for the mission he entrusts to his disciples.

Luke: Responding to Jesus

[Luke 7:18-35] As he highlights John the Baptist’s important role in God’s purposes, Jesus urges people to respond properly to who he is as God’s Messiah.

Truly Alive

[Colossians 2:6-15] Because we are united with Jesus in his death and resurrection, we who believe in him can live as people who are truly alive.

Luke: Home Sweet Home?

In Luke 4:14-30 Jesus announces his mission as God’s promised Messiah and experiences hostile rejection in his hometown of Nazareth.