[1 Peter 5:1] 1 Peter 5:1, “To the elders among you… be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care.”
Shepherding is the most frequently used metaphor for leadership in the Bible.
[Numbers 27:15-18] MOSES had to be a shepherd before he could shepherd God’s people.
[Psalm 78:70-72] DAVID had to be a shepherd before he could shepherd God’s people.
[Jeremiah 3:15] God wants us to learn how to Shepherd His People too.
Then I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding.
Psalm 23 shows us the core functions of a good shepherd. Good
Shepherds provide, protect and guide.
[Mark 6:34-37] The Good Shepherd Jesus provided for his people too.
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