1 Peter: Servants in Exile
[1 Peter 2:18-25] Why should Christians live in submission to unjust authorities?
[1 Peter 2:18-25] Why should Christians live in submission to unjust authorities?
[1 Peter 2:13-17] How should we as exiles live in submission to civil authorities?
[1 Peter 2:11-12] How can we live on mission in a hostile world?
[1 Peter 2:4-10] As followers of Jesus Christ, we are known as God’s people.
[1 Peter 1:22-2:3] Followers of Jesus are called to live as people of love during their lifelong exile on earth.
[1 Peter 1:13-21] How can we as exiles in this world live as people of holiness?
[1 Peter 1:3-12] In 1:3-12 the apostle Peter praises God for the amazing salvation he has made possible through Jesus Christ.
[1 Peter 1:1-2] What type of journey is the Christian life?
[Philippians 2:1-16] Brokenness Part 3
Speaker: Dan Moose
[Matthew 11:28-30] How can we experience true rest every day of our lives?
[Psalm 23] What does it mean that the Lord is the Shepherd and Host for his people?
[Psalm 22] In Psalm 22 David turns to God in the blackest darkness of suffering and trusts in God for a brilliant dawn of praise.
[Psalm 21] Followers of Jesus should be known as people who rejoice in God.
[Psalm 20] What does a lifestyle of trusting God look like?
[Psalm 19] How has God revealed himself?
[Psalm 18] How do we respond to the deliverance of God?
Speaker: Darrius Hubbard
[Psalm 17] How should we pray in times of deep distress?
[Psalm 16] Why is knowing God the all-satisfying answer to the deepest longings of our soul?
[Psalm 15] What does a lifestyle of integrity look like?
[Psalm 14, Romans 1] Beliefs & Behavior
Speaker: John Farris
[Psalm 13] In Psalm 13, David wrestles with God in the midst of extreme turmoil.
[Psalm 12] Speaker: David Morse
[Psalm 11] In Psalm 11, David responds to crisis with confident faith in the Lord.
[2 Corinthians 3:16-18 and Job] Brokenness Part 2
Guest Speaker: Dan Moose
[Nehemiah 9-12] As Antioch strives to be centered in God’s word, we need to embrace essential rhythms for life in God’s community.
[Nehemiah 8] In Nehemiah 8, Israel’s spiritual foundations are strengthened through the recovery of God’s Word and the celebration of the feast of Tabernacles.
[Nehemiah 5] Nehemiah 5 describes how the community of God’s people grew under Nehemiah’s leadership.
[Nehemiah 4, 6] Nehemiah 4 and 6 describe how God’s people responded to opposition in order to finish rebuilding Jerusalem’s wall.
[Nehemiah 3] In Nehemiah 3, how do we see God’s people working together to accomplish God’s mission?
[Nehemiah 2] God’s gracious hand is evident in the midst of Nehemiah’s courageous and strategic actions.
[Nehemiah 1] In chapter 1, Nehemiah receives a negative report from Jerusalem and responds with prayer to God.
[John 11:1-44] John 11:1-44 describes how Jesus raised his friend Lazarus from the dead.
[John 9] John 9 describes how Jesus healed a man who was blind since birth.
[John 6:16-21] In John 6:16-21 Jesus demonstrates his power to his disciples by walking on water.
[John 6:1-15] In John 6:1-15 Jesus miraculously feeds a multitude of people.
[John 5:1-17] Healing at the Pool of Bethesda
Speaker: Dan Moose
[John 4:46-54] John 4:46-54 describes Jesus’ long-distance healing of an official’s dying son.
[John 2:1-11] In John 2:1-11 Jesus changes water to wine at a wedding and reveals his glory.
The church is intended to be a community of restoration from our sexual brokenness.
[1 Corinthians 7] The Gospel & Your Love Story
Speaker: David Morse
What messages do we hear in our culture about what it means to be a man or woman? How does the gospel message speak into those cultural voices?
How can we build a biblical framework for courageous compassion regarding God’s design for gender?
[Genesis 2:18-25; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20] How can we pursue a life of holy sexuality in a sexually broken world?
[Genesis 1:26-28] Our existence in the image of God is at the core of human sexuality.
[Acts 2:42-47] What does it look like to live a generous life?
[Philippians 1:8, Psalm 51:16-17] Blessing of brokenness
Guest Speaker: Dan Moose
[John 4: 1-27] Jesus’ example – don’t be limited by social boundaries.
Guest Speaker: John Farris
[Ruth 4] God’s providence ultimately works for the joy of his people.
[Ruth 3:1-18] Ruth carries out a risky plan to preserve Naomi’s family line.
[Ruth 2] God lavishes kindness upon those who take refuge in him.