Word of God Incarnate: Jesus: The Word Made Flesh
[John 1:1-18] What does Jesus’ title as “the Word of God” tell us about his relationship to God, creation and humanity?
[John 1:1-18] What does Jesus’ title as “the Word of God” tell us about his relationship to God, creation and humanity?
[Philippians 4:10-23] As followers of Christ how do we be content in a world filled with discontentment?
Speaker: Darrius Hubbard
[Philippians 4:2-9] How can we experience true Christ-centered peace in our lives?
[Philippians 3:12-4:1] How do we press forward in the race of following Jesus?
[Philippians 3:1-11] As followers of Jesus, we should beware of placing our confidence for salvation in anything other than Christ.
[Philippians 2:19-30] The best leaders are people who lead like Jesus Christ.
[no audio recording this week]
[Philippians 2:12-18] What does it look like to follow Jesus in a life of joyful obedience?
[Philippians 2:1-11] How can we live as the unified family of God on mission within this world?
[Philippians 1:27-30] Our conduct as followers of Jesus should be worthy of the gospel.
[Philippians 1:18b-26] Our primary passion should be to magnify Jesus in every situation we encounter.
[Philippians 1:12-18a] How can we view unexpected obstacles as opportunities to live as witnesses for Jesus?
[Philippians 1:3-11] As followers of Jesus Christ, why should we pray with thanksgiving and joy?
[Psalm 62] How can we grow as people who wait upon God?
[Psalm 61] Three things to pursue in times of trial.
Forgiveness is a decision of the will to release offense against the offender by personally suffering/paying the penalty for the offense by God’s grace.
Speaker: Dan Moose
[Psalm 60] Three universal truths to embrace in order to be used by God in this world.
Speaker: Matt Kinnick
[Ruth 1:1-22] An extreme and uncommon kindness
Guest Speaker: Brian Farone
[Psalm 59] Four faith-filled actions to take when facing danger and injustice.
[Psalm 58] The unjust judgement of wicked men. Appealing to God for Divine justice. The righteous judgement of God.
Speaker: Adam Johnson
[Psalm 57] Troubled times in our lives gives us the opportunity to trust in God and minister to others.
Speaker: Darrius Hubbard
[Titus 2:11-14] We know we are saved by grace;what part does grace play in our being transformed into Christlikeness?
Speaker: Dan Moose
[Psalm 56] I hope you walk away with a greater resolve to trust the Lord as your champion over every challenger.
Speaker: James Christenson
[Psalm 55] Four invitations to walk with God through suffering.
Speaker: Matt Kinnick
[I Corinthian 15:1-10] Grace to Be and Do
Speaker: Dan Moose
You are Blessed, so Go and Bless. How is God’s family different than other families?
Speaker: Nate Krampe
What are 5 basic questions to help us strengthen our identity as missionaries?
Speaker: Darrius Hubbard
[Philippians2:1-11] Three moves for a growing Christian servant.
Speaker: Matt Kinnick
[Romans 12:1] Speaker: James Christenson
[2 Corinthians 12:1-10] Speaker: Dan Moose
[Acts 15:1-35] Acts 15:1-35 describes an important council in Jerusalem regarding the Gentiles’ inclusion among the people of God.
[Deuteronomy 6:1-9] How can parents pass the baton of faith in God to future generations?
[Matthew 16:18; 28:16-20; Acts 13-14; 19:1-9] Why are we committed to church planting here at Antioch?
[Acts 14:1-28] In Acts 14 Paul and Barnabas continue their missionary journey and encounter more opposition than ever before.
[Various Passages From Acts] What does Easter mean for us?
[Acts 13:13-52] In Acts 13:13-52 Paul and Barnabas travel to Antioch in Pisidia and continue to boldly proclaim the gospel.
[Acts 13:1-12] Four essential patterns for the sending church.
[Acts 12:1-25] Acts chapter 12 describes some particular events in the life of the church during the expansion and growth of the gospel of Jesus.
Speaker: Darrius Hubbard
[Acts 11:19-30] Acts 11:19-30 describes the expansion and growth of the gospel of Jesus within the ancient city of Antioch.
[Acts 11:19-30] Acts 11:19-30 describes the expansion and growth of the gospel of Jesus within the ancient city of Antioch.
[Acts 11:1-18] In Acts 11:1-18 the apostle Peter reports to the church in Jerusalem how God is spreading the gospel to the Gentiles.
[Acts 10:1-48] In Acts 10:1-48 an encounter between Peter and Cornelius becomes a pivotal turning point in God’s gospel mission to the ends of the earth.
[Acts 9:32-43] Acts 9:32-43 describes two amazing miracles that contribute to the ongoing progress of the gospel.
[Acts 9:1-31] Acts 9:1-31 describes the conversion of Saul.
[Acts 8:26-40] Acts 8:26-40 describes how God used Philip to guide an Ethiopian man to faith in Jesus Christ.
[Acts 8:1-25] Acts 8:1-25 describes how, despite persecution, the transforming power of the gospel spreads beyond Jerusalem.
[Acts 6:8-7:60] Acts 6:8-7:60 describes how Stephen becomes the first follower of Jesus who is killed for his faith.
[Ephesians 2:1-10] Grace is God’s unmerited favor and working in our lives.
Speaker: Dan Moose
[Matthew 9:35-38] His Goal: to advance the Kingdom of God by stirring our hearts to compassion, prayer, and ultimately labor for the lost.
Guest Speaker: James Christenson
[John 1:1-18; 17:18; 20:21; Revelation 21:1-8] As God sent his Son to “dwell” among lost people, we as the church are sent to “dwell” among lost people, in the hope of God’s future “dwelling” among his people for all eternity.
[Matthew 2:13-23] Matthew 2:13-23 describes the unexpected journey that Jesus experienced as a child.