Luke: The Journey of Discipleship – Part 2
[Luke 9:18-36] What essential information does Jesus want us to know about the journey of discipleship?
[Luke 9:18-36] What essential information does Jesus want us to know about the journey of discipleship?
[Galatians 5:16-26] Walking in the Spirit
[Luke 9:18-36] In an ocean of confusion all around us, we’ve been given true testimony to anchor our conclusions about Jesus’ identity.
Luke 9:1-17 describes how Jesus, through his power and authority, supplies everything necessary for the mission he entrusts to his disciples.
Luke 8:40-56 shows how Jesus is Lord over disease and even death.
[John 5:1-18] How Capable is Jesus?
[John 4:46-54] Saving faith has happened when a person believes and acts in accord with God’s Word.
Luke 8:22-39 describes the divine power Jesus possesses over the powers of darkness in this world.
Luke 8:1-20 presents several illustrations to explain how disciples of Jesus should respond to the word of God.
Luke 7:36-50 describes how Jesus has the power to forgive the sins of anyone who responds to him in faith.
Big Idea: The purpose of the church is to make disciples; the privilege is being involved.
[Hebrews 6:13-20] Big Question: life has storms; does your anchor hold?
[Luke 7:18-35] As he highlights John the Baptist’s important role in God’s purposes, Jesus urges people to respond properly to who he is as God’s Messiah.
Luke 7:11-17 describes Jesus raising a widow’s son from the dead and the response of those who witnessed this miracle.
Luke 7:1-10 describes Jesus’ authoritative power to heal, while also highlighting the humble faith of a Roman centurion.
[Luke 6:43-49] What kind of disciples of Jesus will transform a church, a city, and a world?
In Luke 6:37-42 Jesus gives instructions to his followers about judging others.
[Luke 6:27-36] Jesus calls all disciples who follow after him to a revolutionary love for their enemies.
[Luke 6:12-26] Adopting Jesus’ perspective toward discipleship should cause us to rejoice in the realities associated with God’s kingdom.
[Colossians 2:6-15] Because we are united with Jesus in his death and resurrection, we who believe in him can live as people who are truly alive.
Luke 6:1-11 describes the authority and power of Jesus as Lord over the Sabbath.
[Colossians 3:1-17] A New Way to be Human
Luke 5:27-39 describes Jesus’ mission to call sinful people to follow him as disciples, even if that leads to criticism and controversy.
Luke 5:12-26 describes Jesus’ power to cleanse people physically and spiritually.
In Luke 5:1-11 Jesus calls his first disciples to a life of following him.
In Luke 4:31-44 Jesus demonstrates his power and authority by setting people free from sickness and demon possession.
In Luke 4:14-30 Jesus announces his mission as God’s promised Messiah and experiences hostile rejection in his hometown of Nazareth.
[Ephesians 4:1-16] Dan Moose, Guest Speaker, Church Planting Director
Luke 4:1-13 describes Jesus as the victorious Son of God who overcame the temptations from the Devil.
In Luke 3:21-38 Jesus is declared to be the “Son of God” at his baptism and through his family tree.
Luke 3:1-20 describes how John the Baptist prepared the way for the ministry of Jesus Christ.
Living a life that is growing in maturity.
Luke 2:22-38 describes how two expectant Israelites, Simeon and Anna, testify to God’s gift of salvation in Jesus Christ.
[Luke 2:1-20] Our greatest gift this Christmas is Jesus being sent as the Savior of the world.
Luke 1:57-80 reminds us that we can celebrate this Christmas because God’s promised salvation has come.
[Luke 1:26-56] The One Worthy of a Song
[Luke 1:5-25] In Luke 1:5-25 God prepares the way for his salvation by announcing the future birth of John the Baptist.
Conversion growth happens in the church when we talk about Jesus. God opens the door for us to speak when we pray and live intentionally.
Why are there so many unhappy people?
[Luke 5:27-39] Truly Following Jesus
[Philippians 3:4-11] Heart check
[Galatians 6:1-5] Living the Gospel with purpose in community includes carrying others burdens and allowing others to carry ours.
John 20:24-29 recounts the disciple Thomas’ journey from a skeptical doubt to a worshipful faith in the risen Jesus.
[Mark 15:33] The Suitcase Dance of Joy
[Hebrews 1:1-4] In order for Jesus to reign supremely in our lives each day, we need a supreme portrait of God’s Son.
[Psalm 46] God is our fortress through all of life’s many troubles
Nate Krampe, Elder, preaches on “Who is Jesus?”
Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on the resurrection of Jesus as an opportunity for us to worship the living Christ.