Antioch Community Church in Minneapolis

Sermon: James: Just Do It

[James 1:22-25] We deceive ourselves when we don’t DO what the Word says. We are blessed when we DO what the Word says. Just Do It!

Sermon: James: True Wealth

[James 1:9-12] Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

Sermon: James: Choose Joy

[James 1:1-4] If James can admonish us to “consider it pure joy”, then you and I have the ability to choose joy when times are tough.

Sermon: Christmas Shepherds

[Luke 2:8-20] The night Jesus was born, angels made a startling pronouncement to the shepherds. What God did for them is what God does for us!

Sermon: The Greatest Gift

[Luke 2:22-35] A Thought: Christmas is about Jesus. A Formula: Jesus + Nothing = Everything. A Challenge: Shine the Light of Jesus

Sermon: Ruth 2: God is Kind

[Ruth 2] Ruth believed God. She displayed an Active Faith. She actually made choices that gave evidence to her faith. When she stepped out in Faith, God met her with Kindness.

Sermon: Ruth 1:6-22

[Ruth 1:6-22] We’ve met Naomi. Now we meet Ruth. These two women are both bound together, but it’s the differences that we see.

Strength in Weakness

[2 Corinthians 12:7-10] The Apostle Paul doesn’t want to boast how he’s a better Apostle than the others based on his credentials. Rather, he points to his suffering as the evidence of God’s grace and strength in his life.

Life in the City: A Day in the Life

Ever wondered what it’s like to serve at Antioch’s weekly Grocery Distribution? In this week’s podcast, we listen in on a day in the life of a Grocery Ministry volunteer. 

Putting Christ on Display

[2 Corinthians 2:12-17] Like showing our favorite pictures, we get to display JESUS in the way that we live. A yielded life shows Christ’s Victory!

Pray: Pray for Open Eyes

[Ephesians 1:15-23] The Apostle Paul prayed for the believers in the Ephesian church, that their eyes would be open to spiritual realities that would help them know and trust Christ more.

Pray: Love Smart

[Philippians 1:9-11] Pray for people to love smart, love more, think clearly, live for Jesus. Our LOVE should overflow with the fruit of the Spirit.

Pray: WHEN did Jesus pray?

We should pray all the time. Jesus prayed BEFORE ministry, to disciple people. Jesus prayed DURNING ministry, to keep gospel focus. Jesus prayed AFTER ministry, to recover.

Pray: Laments

God cares for us when we are hurting and suffering. Lament is the Biblical Prayer Language for Christians in pain.

Pray: Restore Me

[Psalm 51] Psalm 51 is King David’s prayer of confession, repentance and restoration after he sinned by taking a woman a having her husband killed to cover it up.