Secure in our Salvation: 1 John 5:1,11-13

Oct 8, 2020 | by Coley Waataja

Today we are going back to basics. The good news of the gospel all comes down to Jesus and whether or not we believe in him. If you don’t know him, you can! If you do, you can be confident in him.


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hey everybody uh my name is Coley Waataja
i’m on staff
at antioch community church in northeast
and i want to bring you an encouragement
from the word today for our weekly
uh from the book of first john chapter
i’ll just read a couple of verses from
chapter five verse one
says everyone who believes that jesus is
the christ
has been born of god and everyone who
loves the father
loves whoever has been born of him
and then jumping down to verses
11 and on john says
and this is the testimony that god gave
eternal life and this life is in his son
whoever has the son has life whoever
does not have the son of god
does not have life i write these things
to you who believe in the name of the
son of god
that you may know that you have eternal
i wanted to go back to basics today for
our devotional
and just talk about the gospel
the good news of the gospel the good
news of jesus christ is that
he has made a way for us to be with god
through our sin and rebellion we have
ruined our relationship
with god the father but jesus came
fully god fully man as the christ
as the one who could make a way for us
as a perfect sacrifice
to make a way for us to be made right
with god
and when we believe that jesus is the
the one who can save as verse 1
says everyone who believes that jesus is
the christ has been born of god
we are born into a new family through
our belief
in him and i think john summarizes
everything so well in verse 11 and 12.
this is the testimony he said here’s
here’s the summary god gave us eternal
and this life is in his son jesus if you
jesus you have life if you don’t have
jesus you don’t have life
that’s that’s it it all comes down to
what are you going to do with jesus if
you don’t know jesus
today if you haven’t surrendered your
life to him
recognizing that he is who he’s who he
claims to be
that he really is god and that he really
did come
to earth as a man to die for your sins
but not just
die to raise from the dead defeating sin
and death if you haven’t surrendered
your life to him
i encourage you to do that today please
do that today
and experience what it’s like to be born
of god
to be born again as uh the gospel of
john says in john 3
as jesus is telling someone who’s asking
him about it
he says you must be born again and
that’s what first john is talking
about here too that we get to be born of
when we believe in jesus how great is
we get a new family and the second half
of verse 1
talks about that family everyone who
loves the father
through faith in jesus loves whoever
else has been born of him if you
have surrendered your life to jesus not
only do you get
this great salvation but you get born
into this
family with god as our father
and with other people who have also been
born into this family and we get to love
one another as a family how cool is that
and we as a church want to invite you
into that
if you haven’t heard that before we
invite you surrender your life to jesus
and that’s the gospel that’s that’s it
but what’s so cool is that john reminds
that the gospel is not just for
people who don’t yet know jesus it’s for
those of us who do as well
in verse 13 i’ll read it again he says
i write these things what i’ve just told
i’m writing these things to you who
in the name of the son of god that you
may know
that you have eternal life
sometimes for a variety of reasons it
can be really easy to forget
the salvation that we have if you have
surrendered your life to christ
but you’re struggling right now maybe
because of
the circumstances in the world or
circumstances that are going on in your
life and if you’re having a hard time
whose you are you also need to be
reminded of the gospel
the gospel is for you too when we’re in
when we maybe have started to believe
some lies
the gospel is for you john here
reminds us that if we know jesus
we have life that’s it that’s what it
comes down to
and he writes it so that we who do
in the name of the son of god we may
know that we have eternal life
sometimes we just need a reminder so
i pray that if you don’t know jesus that
you would come and surrender your life
to him
for the first time and if you do that
would you tell one of us would you
on this video somewhere wherever you see
it or would you send us an email
through the website we would love to
connect with you
and explain more about what it means to
follow jesus
and if you do already know him i pray
that you would be reminded today
of the salvation that you have in him
you can be confident that if you know
you are secure in your relationship with
and i pray that you would live in the
confidence that that brings
god bless everybody

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