Jonah Series Intro Video from Antioch Community on Vimeo.
In February Andy preached through the book of Jonah entitled “Jonah: God’s Heart for the Lost”. You can hear his sermons by downloading the podcast.
We had a fun chance to incorporate multiple forms of creative worship in this series. One of our attendees Brett is skilled with computer graphics and created a 30 second video to introduce each sermon. You can see the video below. One part humor, one part summary, the video got a great response from the congregation, and was a great expression of worship for him to create.
Another young woman Kristina has a wonderful ability to memorize and recite Scripture. During the four-week series, she recited one more chapter than the week before. The last week she recited all four chapters. It was an inspiring and humbling realization that the rest us need to put a higher priority on memorizing Scripture. Our Community Groups are memorizing verses together, and we are excited to get other people involved in the memorization and proclamation of Scripture.