Hebrews 11:33-34

Nov 27, 2020 | by Darrius Hubbard

Pastor Darrius reminds us that we can confidence in Christ despite our circumstances.


hello Antioch family and facebook
pastor Darius Hubbard here one of the
pastors at Antioch Community Church
here in northeast Minneapolis here to
show word of encouragement with you
um this year as we all know has been
full of many
lows and hardships but at the same time
there has been many highs
and many things for us to celebrate and
be thankful for
which i hope you all had opportunity to
do that yesterday
for thanksgiving particularly as people
of faith
we draw near to god um not just during
good times but
during the hard times as well and we
believe and trust in him
that he will reward those who seek and
trust him
in hebrews 11 we find examples of
many believers as well who went through
some hard things
and in spite of that they put their
faith and hope in god
and endured horrific events
and they were able to accomplish the
impossible due to that faith and trust
in god
hebrews chapter 11 verses 33-34 says
who through faith conquered kingdoms
justice obtain promises
stop mouth of lions quench the power of
escape the edge of the sword were made
strong out of weakness became mighty and
put foreign armies to flight
so i wanted to encourage you guys today
we can have confidence that whatever
unforeseen events losses hardships and
we may go through this year we can have
faith and trust
in christ that we will continue to
this hard season of life and accomplish
the impossible
and receive the promise of a better
not just here in this life but in the
life to come as well
god bless you guys and i hope you guys
stay safe

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