Daily Devotional April 14, 2020 – Philippians 2:3-4

Apr 14, 2020 | by Andy O'Rourke

How can we look to the needs of others in times of crisis? Philippians 2:3-4 encourages us to adopt an “others-oriented” perspective.

00:00 hey there Antioch family and anyone else 00:02 tuning in pastor Andy here you know in 00:05 times of crisis it's easy for us to go 00:08 into self-preservation mode to look 00:11 inward to turn inward and ask what's 00:14 what's in our best interest and don't 00:16 get me wrong 00:17 self-care is an important thing but 00:20 times of crisis also offer us a really 00:23 good opportunity to look to the needs of 00:25 others around us not only our own 00:28 interests but the interests of others 00:30 I'm reminded of the Apostle Paul's words 00:33 in Philippians chapter 2 listen to what 00:36 he says in Philippians 2 verses 3 and 4 00:39 do nothing from selfish ambition or 00:42 conceit but in humility count others 00:46 more significant than yourselves 00:49 let each of you look not only to his own 00:52 interests but also to the interests of 00:54 others so let me encourage us with 00:58 something during this time of crisis 01:00 that we're in as important as self-care 01:04 is and as necessary as is in our lives 01:07 let's not forget to look beyond 01:10 ourselves let's not forget to look at 01:13 the interests of others and as the 01:15 Apostle Paul says here in Philippians - 01:17 to be others oriented to look to the 01:21 interests of others sometimes even 01:22 before ourselves and ask how can we 01:26 sacrificially love those around us not 01:30 become so self-absorbed during this time 01:33 of struggle of crisis of hardship that 01:36 we don't look outside ourselves do that 01:39 this week look around you ask what are 01:41 some needs of the people in my life that 01:44 I that I can help how can I serve others 01:47 how can I be a man or a woman for others 01:50 and others oriented person god bless

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