Art-a-Whirl Online

May 15, 2020 | by Coley Waataja

This year is the 25th year of Art-a-Whirl, the art festival that defines Northeast Minneapolis. But as with everything these days, Art-a-Whirl looks very different this year than in the past. Instead of being a neighborhood-wide event, it is being held online. You can still check out new artists, watch videos of their processes, and even purchase items!

Art a Whirl will begin May 15th, at

Normally we would have hosted artists in our space, so we want to especially highlight a few artists from our church:

Maria Ahrens
Watercolor artwork, fashion illustration, custom orders

Laine Swanson
Pastels, paintings, anatomy drawing, architecture, nature

Lori Anne Baumgartner
Jewelry, paintings, pours, landscapes

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