Antioch Prayer Month, January 2021

Dec 30, 2020 | by Antioch Community Church

As we look ahead to 2021, we are excited to dedicate the month of January as a Month of Prayer. Throughout the month, the Antioch Prayer Team will be providing resources and opportunities for corporate prayer, Scripture memorization, and a daily prayer calendar. As we enter into this new year, we ask that you’ll join us as we “seek first the Kingdom of God.”

Each day, we ask that you’ll join us as unite around a central prayer focus & Scripture passage. Each day’s prayer focus can be found on our January Prayer Calendar, as well as on our Instagram & Facebook pages.

We also invite you to join us for our weekly corporate prayer events. We will kickoff our month of prayer with an in-person Prayer Night on January 5th. Opportunities for corporate prayer through Zoom/Google Meet in subsequent weeks.

We are excited to see what God will do in the life of our church and community in 2021. Let’s join together in prayer to seek His Kingdom first!

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