Advent at Antioch

Dec 3, 2018 | by Coley Waataja

“Why do Christians use such a weird word for the Christmas season?”

If you’ve wondered this before, you have probably never seen the word Advent outside of those chocolate calendars. By definition, advent simply means “arrival.” But the idea conveyed in the celebration of advent, and even in those silly chocolate calendars, is the idea of waiting. Through the month of December the church collectively celebrates the arrival of Jesus, and waits for the day we celebrate his coming.

Jesus, the promised messiah, arrived on this broken earth to conquer sin and make a way for us to be right with God. He filled a need that no one else could fill.

Pillsbury students put pins on a world map to show where their family is from.

To celebrate Advent at Antioch, we want to look outward. In light of the love that Jesus has shown for us, we want to love our neighbors by providing for their needs. Specifically, Pillsbury Elementary’s need for winter clothing. Pillsbury is a school here in Northeast Minneapolis full of passionate teachers and administrators, and adorable kids. The students come from many different countries, many immigrants, and tend to be in the lower income brackets. We get to support them in a variety of ways throughout the year, but now with winter here they need help providing students and their families with basic winter gear.

During every Sunday in December, we will be collecting winter clothing in a big box in the back of the sanctuary. They need winter gear of all sizes. If it doesn’t fit the students, it will fit someone in their families. We have also set up a special fund if you would like to help families financially with other basic needs. You can give online at Just indicate “Pillsbury Advent Drive” when you give.

Will you help us tangibly demonstrate the love of Jesus by supplying these students with basic needs? In sacrificing a little for these kids to stay warm, we can celebrate the greatest sacrifice Jesus made to make us whole.