Patrick Drury
Sermon: James: Pulling Rocks
Sermon: James: Gone Fishing
Sermon: James: True Wealth
Sermon: James: Wisdom
Sermon: James: Choose Joy
Sermon: 1 Peter: The Persecuted Church
Sermon: 1 Peter: Humility
Sermon: Good Shepherds Guide
Sermon: Good Shepherds Protect
Sermon: Good Shepherds Provide
Sermon: 1 Peter: Good Ways to Suffer
Sermon: God’s People on the Move
Sermon: 1 Peter: Living as if the End is Near
Sermon: 1 Peter: Christ Pursued You
Sermon: 1 Peter: Integrity Evangelism
Sermon: 1 Peter: Blessed to Bless
Sermon: 1 Peter: Tea Cups and Travel Mugs
Sermon: 1 Peter: Submit to God and Government
Sermon: 1 Peter: Cornerstore
Sermon: 1 Peter: Holy Strangers
Sermon: 1 Peter: Overview
Sermon: BLESS: Share Your Story
Sermon: BLESS: Serve with Love
Sermon: BLESS: Eat Together
Sermon: BLESS: Listen with Care
Sermon: BLESS: Begin with Prayer
Sermon: “Practicing Easter”
[Matthew 28:1-9] “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said!”
Sermon: 1 Timothy: Lead With Strength
1 Timothy: Contentment Kills Idols
[G]RACE: Talking about Race with Grace!
Sermon: 1 Timothy: Caring with Wisdom
Sermon: 1 Timothy: Caring with Wisdom
Sermon: 1 Timothy: Be a Better Builder
Sermon: 1 Timothy: Build on a Solid Foundation
Sermon: 1 Timothy: Deacons
Sermon: 1 Timothy: The Character of an Overseer
Sermon: 1 Timothy: Men and Women in the Church
Sermon: 1 Timothy: Pray for Peace
Sermon: Christmas Shepherds
[Luke 2:8-20] The night Jesus was born, angels made a startling pronouncement to the shepherds. What God did for them is what God does for us!
Sermon: The Greatest Gift
Sermon: 1 Timothy: God Saved Even Me!
Sermon: Ruth: Risking the Estate
Sermon: Ruth 3: Faith & Risk
Sermon: Ruth 2: God is Kind
Sermon: Ruth 1:6-22
Sermon: Ruth: Intro to Ruth
Strength in Weakness
[2 Corinthians 12:7-10] The Apostle Paul doesn’t want to boast how he’s a better Apostle than the others based on his credentials. Rather, he points to his suffering as the evidence of God’s grace and strength in his life.
Putting Christ on Display
[2 Corinthians 2:12-17] Like showing our favorite pictures, we get to display JESUS in the way that we live. A yielded life shows Christ’s Victory!