New Year, New Life!

Jan 16, 2019 | by Coley Waataja

It’s not very original to say that a new year brings new opportunities, but it’s still true. Something about the change in the calendar gets people thinking about changes they would like to make in their lives.

Last Sunday we had an awesome celebration of new life in Christ, by getting to baptize Sarah. She shared her incredible testimony of God’s faithfulness through the most difficult times of her life, and she explained she wanted to get baptized as a statement of her commitment to Christ. We as a church have been blessed by her joining our family, and it was a joy to see her get baptized.

We love to celebrate baptisms because it is such a clear picture of what it is like to die with Christ and be raised with him. Baptism is not a means of salvation, but it is an outward public expression of the inner change that has already taken place.

What about you? Is there something the Lord has been laying on your heart that you need to respond to? Is the Lord calling you to follow him more fully or even for the first time? We would love to talk to you about those things, or anything you want to talk about. Maybe in this new year there are new things that God wants to do in and through you. Join us on at Sunday morning morning or reach out to us here. We’d love to tell you more about how Jesus has changed our lives.

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